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About Aiden

The coolest person

My Name is Aiden and I go to Civic Memorial High School. This is my personal blog about my role in our 20-time project. Our project is about how the hip kids of today are affected by technology. You’ve probably read the other blogs that my partners made, so you probably already know what our project is about, so I won’t go into too much detail about that. The main type of technology I use is video games on my Xbox. Since my Xbox is downstairs, I can go down there and not come back up for hours at a time, so I can be kind of anti- social. While I do talk to people on my Xbox all the time, it isn’t direct human interaction, which can become very unhealthy.  

The purpose of this project is to reduce use of technology and show people the results of reducing the use of technology. I’m probably going to use this blog as a journal and tell you how I’m being affected by reducing technology. Hopefully this is helpful, and I am confident going into this. My current daily schedule for technology Monday- Friday is Get Home at 3:00, do some stuff and get on the Xbox at 4. I typically get off at 10:00, but weekends are random, I could be on it all day, so around twelve hours, or I could not touch the Xbox. I’ll take the average and say I’m on the Xbox about 6 hours each day on the weekend. So, my weekly Technology hours are 37 hours a week. That’s all, folks.


Aiden's Blog: About

Blog update #2

Hi again! Welcome to my second blog update so far in our 20-time project. Let’s have a small recap on my blog so far. My name is Aiden, I play a LOT of video games and use technology around 40 hours a week in a dark basement by myself. If you haven’t read my other blog update, then you should check that out for a more detailed description of our project. It's probably pretty Ironic for somebody who plays Xbox 40 hours or more a week to be talking about this subject, but I know there's a little bit of an addiction going on, and I would like to see how I would be affected by reducing technology usage. So today, I’m going to talk about someone who has done a lot of research on this topic. Her name is Terry Shurkle and she has written a few books on the subject of how kids are affected by technology. Terry Shurkle talks about something called “The Facebook Zone”. The Facebook Zone is what Terry uses to describe being addicted to a machine and “Not knowing where the human begins, and the computer ends”. She has done a lot of other things, but I'll have to talk about that next time, That’s all folks.

Aiden's Blog: Welcome


Welcome Back to another blog update! My name is Aiden and this sounds like a YouTube intro, doesn’t it? Well anyway, let’s get Roooooooiiiight into the news. So now that we’re past that AMAZING intro, we can get into the recap because apparently that’s how I’m doing this now. So in my last blog update, I talked about someone who has done a lot of research on this subject, and if you want more information on her, then you can go and check out my previous blog update. So now, onto the new stuff. Next week, I am going to start tracking and graphing the exact amount of time I am on technology in a school week. My estimation for the amount of time I spend on technology including at school, is around 40+ hours not including weekends. So maybe this is a little bit of a problem, but, I have started playing my 3DS again, which means I’m not limited to the basement and I can be a bit more social. So anyway, that about raps up this blog update for this week. Come back next week for my graph and the actual amount of time I spend on technology (Probably the most in the group). Until then, Check out everyone else's blogs and our group blog, and I will see you next time.

Aiden's Blog: About
Store Front

New years resolution

Happy New Year, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! The NoTechno group has been on break for a while, and now we’re back at it! For this week's blog, we are doing it on our new year resolutions. Not our personal resolutions, but a group resolution to reduce technology usage. I’m also going to talk about our project in the past, present and future. When we first started our project, we wanted to see what the results of reducing Technology is first hand. There have been many tests on this by official researchers, but we wanted to see how it would affect the lives of a heavy technology user (Me), an average technology user (Katie), and someone who doesn’t use technology that much (Elysia). We are soon going to start reducing our technology usage to get those results first hand. Right now, we’re working on finding out what ways we are going to reduce the usage of technology for each of us. I would obviously be allowed to spend more time on technology than them because I’m on technology a lot and would suffer a lot more than they would if we had the same tech times. For the Future, we plan on trying something called a polaroid selfie booth. This would be a mix of something new and something older. We would take a polaroid camera, make a booth that people could go in, and take a picture with them and their friends with a polaroid instead of a cellphone. I’ll talk about it more in my next update, but until then, I will see you guys later.

Aiden's Blog: Opening Hours

Blog update

Hello! Guess who’s back! It’s me with another blog update. I hope you liked the previous update about the new year. Anyway, if you haven’t already, go check out my other blogs and check out my friends' blogs as well. So, for this update, I want to talk mainly about an idea that we have for our project. We wanted to do an experiment. What we would do is build a booth that people could go in and get their picture taken with a polaroid camera. A polaroid camera is a physical camera that prints out physical copies of the pictures it takes. It would cost a dollar to get your picture taken because the film isn't cheap, and all extra money would go to the school. The purpose of this experiment is to see if people prefer to take a selfie on their phone, or if they want physical copies of their pictures. We would do this during our lunch hour 2 days a week in February. Film cost about 13$ for 20 films, so we would be able to make around 7$ every 20 excluding donations to the play which we are also going to add. That’s all for this week, but toon in next week for another blog update.

European Restaurant
Aiden's Blog: About
European Restaurant


Hey everybody, its me again because I know you missed me. Anyway, welcome to blog number 7! There aren’t that many blogs left for us to do, so appreciate them while they last. So, let’s get started. As you may know, we are going to have a big presentation on April 30th. This is going to be a big presentation talking about our project as a whole. For the next few weeks, we’re going to be working on that presentation, so the blogs will be relatively bare. As for the polaroid photo booth, we were able to make back all the money spent. We spent 30 dollars on the project, and got 30 back, so while we didn’t make any extra money, we did make back all the information. I think that the photo booth went very well and I would do it again. That’s all I have for today, so I will see all of you next week in our next blog update. 

Aiden's Blog: About
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